New Release: Version 2.3 Available Now

We skipped our vacation, worked very hard and challenged ourselves every day to bring you a more intuitive and easier way of reaching your objectives.

The new version of DropMind™ is released. Version 2.3 is here to map your mind in more efficient and intuitive way and it brings big improvements for your brainstorming and decision making challenges.

Enjoy a powerful set of features and improvements and bring original insights to your decision-making process. Explore the features, evaluate the possibilities and unleash your creativity.

Now, DropMind™ can do even more.

The mobile version of DropMind™ is completely finished and live. It will complete the philosophy of 3A: Accessing the maps by anyone, anywhere, anytime. The perfect synergy among the 3 applications (desktop, web and mobile) will improve your experience and will allow you to organize yourself quickly and effectively. The mobile access to your DropMind™ web account will enable a fast and easy retrieval of your created maps, viewing and editing them in a well-structured outline mode and capturing your new ideas on the go in a few simple steps.

The desktop application for Windows allows you to create your topics with multiple hyperlinks per topic. Use web hyperlink, a hyperlink to file or folder; hyperlink to the e-mail address; hyperlink to the topic in the map or hyperlinks to maps on the web – anyway, you can easily link your map to the World Wide Web.

Moreover, we have created an environment where you can work with your ideas’ flow with just a touch of the fingers. Yes, plural, because version 2.3 has multi-touch support. Plus, you can edit every note very smoothly and easily because of the following improvements: Format text within notes editor; Bold, Italic, Underline; Cross over; Add web hyperlinks and more.

Now, something about the Web version. The new ribbon design allows you to move more efficiently and quickly access the tools that you need, in order to accomplish more in less time. Want to sign in, but you’re not registered? No need to worry, because you can sign in using credentials from Google mail, Google Apps™, Yahoo or the OpenID. Now you can keep statistics for your maps: Session duration; Number of Central Topics; Number of Topics; Number of Floating topics; and lots of other numbers. If you don’t like something on your map, just send it to the Recycle Bin and later you can restore your deleted maps and retrieve your information.

People always like to chat, even while they are writing their ideas, right? We added the internal chat in the simultaneous collaboration mode, so, you can connect your teams using group chat and work together. And, when taking a break from work, you can share a bit of gossip :).

With no further explanation, we proudly invite you to see the changes for yourself –

Oh? Are you surprised? Of course, you are, because you’re looking at the new design of the product’s website. It is clear, full of useful information, easier to navigate.

So, no more words needed. Take a journey with your ideas, write them down with DropMind™ and share your experience with us. Your feedback is the most valuable asset for the next big adventure of releasing the new version. Until then, stay tuned on our blog and map your mind with DropMind™ 2.3.


DropMind™ for iPad Available Now!