Once you have created and customized a map according to your preferences you can save it by using the Save or Save As options in the File Menu. The Save or Save As option allows you to save your mind map in the following file formats:
- iMindQ Map (.dmmx) – default map file format;
- iMindQ Map 3.0 (.dmm) – a file format used in older versions of iMindQ;
- iMindQ Workbook (.dmmw);
- iMindQ Style (.dmms) – Style format which can be imported and applied to the desired map;
- iMindQ Template (.dmmt) – template map which the user can Import and use at any time he/she needs that map.
In iMindQ, you can save parts of the map. To do this, from the Insert Ribbon, select the Map Parts Button. This will open the Map Parts Panel, where several map elements are already located. From your map select the part that you want to save (central topic, main topic, subtopic, etc) and drag and drop them into the Map Parts Panel. The inserted map element will be shown in the Map Parts Panel from where you can choose to Insert as New Topic, Modify, Delete or Rename it. From the Insert Ribbon, you can select the Build as Map function. This action will create a new map from the topic you select in the master map. To do this, just perform the following action:
- Create a map.
- From the created map, select the topic that you want to convert to a new map.
- From the Insert Ribbon, select the Build as Map button.
- From the Save Map Document Dialog box selected the location where the map should be saved.
The saved topic will be the central topic in the new map.